Dr. Tumi Johnson, M.D.

Holistic Physician, Dancer, Poet

Healing Dances

Envision moving poetry in the form of dance on the walls of your home, work space, or a gallery/art space, dance that was created with the express purpose of igniting your healing process.

That is what my healing dances are -- I call them healing "poemdances" because they are often dances that are crafted from my original poetry and made to heal. 

I have performed my healing dances live in several countries (please refer to the About page) and continue to love doing this. However, with my permission and with purchase, my poemdances can be viewed privately in the sanctuary of your home, or shown as a dance video/film installation in living, work, healing, and creative spaces. I am also available for commissions--to create and perform (either live or on film) a site-specific piece around a specific topic, for a specified location and community.  

For samples of my poemdances please see this page

I believe dance can be powerful medicine and I would love to share mine with you.


Commissioning my Healing Dances

Individualized Healing Dances:

* If you are someone who has something to heal and our interested in me creating an individualized healing poemdance for you, please contact me at tumi.johnson@gmail.com for more information AND please check out the video below which shares more details on how this offer works. 



Dr. Tumi Johnson is one gift of a woman. A doctor, a mystic, a dancer, a poet, a mother.. She is such a living treasure. This testimonial is too brief to be able to contain all of the reflections and reasons why I believe she is a person who fills the world with wonder, awe, and inspiration. I am so happy that I decided to receive an individualized healing poemdance from her. She has a unique ability. All the movements, the words, the nature, the music, she featured were unique to me. In other words, she is actually able to feel who you are and what you need on a deeper level and then lovingly create something that WILL heal you/ assist with healing yourself! It’s been over a week now since I received my healing poemdance, I have already noticed major shifts in my life: a positive career shift, more energy, and feeling secure in myself and who I feel I am and my purpose in life! This is a true labor of love for Tumi, I feel, and the whole process is a complete joy for her. I now know why she is so excited and passionate about this offering! It’s powerful, effective, and joyful!

....The Poem dance that I requested from Dr. Tumi Johnsons that was crafted for me was elating because as I described the health concerns I’ve lived through in a very raw direct clear way with zero sugarcoating, a space was created to address that which has always been silenced. The poem dance addressed the reality of what I’ve lived through and made me feel seen which provided the strength to let go of unhealthy relationships with other people as well as within myself. This kind of thing is a powerful way to nourish oneself in a real way that made me feel as though something within myself was unlocked. The thing is when a person is choicefully willing to let themselves become  their real self and let go of all the gunk that was placed upon you, you take your power back from those and that which took it from you. And its done with a level of artistry and talent that Dr. Johnson created and crafted from listening to what you are actually describing and allowing a creation of space for real genuine authentic ease within yourself. An ease that speaks to the whole of a person. The poem dance was a gift.... (PLEASE READ COMPLETE TESTIMONIAL IN THE TESTIMONIALS SECTION FOUND IN THE MENU BAR ABOVE)

Healing Dances for Organizations, Art and/or Healing Spaces: 

I also enjoy creating healing dance presentations, which are a blend of dance and a holistic health talk given by me. Again, with my permission and with purchase, my poemdances can also be shown as a dance video/film installation in living, work, healing, and creative spaces. I am also available for commissions--to create and perform (either live or on film) a site-specific piece around a specific topic, for a specified location and community/organization.

* If your orgainzation is interested in me creating a healing poemdance for your community, please contact me at tumi.johnson@gmail.com for more information. Price is based on your needs and desires for the dance. 

Please see the video below for more on this: 

Healing Poemdances now available!

CROWN: Now available (NEW!)

A Poemdance and Course for Healing and Loving Your Crown

*Price: $199  ( FREE with my Membership Program )

Watching Dr. Johnson, the videos … the dance (awesome by the way)…gave me the freedom and permission to continue to be my authentic self…the CROWN experience was confirmation

Release The Weight

A healing poemdance to help you naturally and easefully reach AND sustain your desired weight

*Price: $97  (FREE with my Membership Program)


Digestive Fire

A healing poemdance to optimize your gut health 

*Price: $77  (FREE with my Membership Program)

I'm Unity

A healing poemdance to strengthen your immune system 

To learn what watching dance can do for your immune system, please watch this video.

*Price: $67 

Tumi’s I’m Unity Poemdance is a revolutionary and integrative way to heal! The poemdance integrates your intellect, heart, senses, body, and spirit with medical knowledge that empowers you to remember the potency of your immune system.

“I'm unity” is a beautiful and healing offering of art and wisdom. The experience of this medicine brought me a whole new perspective on immunity. The poemdance opened up a healing space for me in which my restless and worrying mind could rest, tension softly left my body and my heart deeply relaxed. I feel guided to come back home to the present moment and empowered to take care of my health in a holistic way. Thank you so much for this deep medicine!

As I took in this Poemdance as prescribed, I could feel its nutrients seeping into my body. Ancient wisdom and intelligence being reignited, my trust in that wisdom being fortified. This, combined with Tumi’s medical knowledge, made both my body and my mind feel calm, centered and empowered to handle any immunity challenging situation.

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